Welcome back!
Hello! I can't believe it's been since August since I last posted! So much has happened and so many blessings have come our way. The Sattely family has experienced quite an eventful 9 months and we are currently awaiting the arrival of little Benjamin Robert!
As you all know in August of 2010 we found out we were pregnant and I started the LPN portion of nursing school at Hocking College. In the midst of all the adjustments of pregnancy and full-time school and work, we bought a house! We closed on our house at the end of October. As much of a pain as the whole process was, it is such a huge blessing to own our own home. We have a great house in a wonderful neighborhood. My husband has done an amazing job on updating, painting, building and really just making this home ours. We are looking forward to the spring when we can get out and landscape. The lilac bush is already starting to bloom!
Robert has been busy working full-time and completely supporting our family while I have been in school. He is still working at the community hospital and has been trained in every department! I am so grateful to him and all the work he does for our little family. He is an amazing man and I truly could not ask for more. I am so proud to announce that he has been accepted into the PTA (Physical Therapy Assistant) program at Hocking College and started part-time classes this past week. He will be great!
Two weeks ago I graduated from the LPN (Licensed Practical Nursing) program at Hocking College. It was certainly a challenge and it feels so good to have accomplished that! I plan on going back to get my RN (Registered Nursing) degree in the fall.
As busy as the last 9 months has been, I regret that I have neglected this blog. School was so overwhelming and time consuming and I just simply did not have the energy to keep up my writings. I have missed it tremendously. There are so many things I wish I could have captured in words, but they will simply have to live in my memory or be recalled in writings I do from this day forward. I look forward to having the spring and summer off to spend with our little boy and get caught up on this blog.
Speaking of little boy... we are (very) anxiously awaiting the arrival of our son. Benjamin Robert Sattely is due this Friday, April 8. The past two weeks I have had a few false alarms and have certainly had my fair share of early-labor pains, but no baby yet. I can't wait to be a mommy and I know Robert is beside himself excited to be a daddy! My parents have been down here the last few weeks helping us get ready and I cant even begin to explain how much they have helped and how fun it has been to have them here! I can't wait for them to meet Ben!
There are so many things I think about and that go through my mind on a daily basis and those are the things I want this blog to capture. I want it to be an outlet to express the thoughts, experiences, trials, joys and blessings that I (and my little family) come across in everyday life. I can't even begin to imagine what new experiences and feelings I will have becoming a mother. Being married to Robert for the last 10 months has changed my perspective in so many ways and has enriched my life more than I can ever express. These are the things I want to write about and to share with you. I hope you enjoy following the exciting journey that is our lives! We love you all so much and thank you for all the love and support you have shown us. Stay tuned!
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