No Better Place

It's funny how much your perspective changes when you become a mother. I would normally never post a picture with no shower, no make-up and sleepy eyes; but I wanted to capture this moment because I cannot think of anywhere I would rather be right now than here. Having this precious boy in my arms and in my life has changed me more than I could have ever imagined. It's an amazing feeling to me to experience an instinct I never knew I had until he came along. I feel like I know what he needs and how to meet those needs and I'm so glad I'm following my heart in the ways that I respond to him.

I never thought I would be an "attachment parenting" type of mom. I prepared myself to be scheduled, routined and follow all of the "rules" I had read before he was born. But when he got here, and the first few nights and days I spent with him, I felt like I knew better than any book how to care for and meet the needs of my son. I have found myself becoming a huge advocate of the attachment style of parenting, and am embracing finding out what works best for our individual family.

I've been afraid to share this with a lot of people because I know the "opinions" out there and I just didn't want to deal with the negative advice/ discouragement I may receive. But now I can say that I am proud of the way we are doing things. Breast feeding on demand, responding to his cries, baby wearing, and co-sleeping are all choices that work for our family. It's comforting knowing that I am meeting our sons needs as well as immensely increasing the bond and trust between us. Rob always said to me, "We are his parents. Only we know what is best for him and us". He was so right and I feel so good about the choices we have made.

Im glad I followed this new found instinct and that I have the support of my husband and family. I truly feel there is no better place I could be right now than right here. Thank you God for choosing us to love and nurture this precious gift you gave us...


  1. this is so beautiful Anya...ignore the nay-sayers and continue to follow your heart. I know it worked for you and I. I love you and Rob and that precious grandson of mine!


  2. So true!! You and Rob have to do what is right for you, it's not the other's raising your son. It's your life, your choices. It's your time to bond with Ben and watch as he grows. At the end of the day all that matters is you and your two men!


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