My dear baby boy...
Dear Benjamin,
It's 12:31am on Thursday April 7, 2011, the day before your due date. I'm sitting here wondering when I will get to meet you. I have a feeling its going to be soon, son. It's hard to believe that within a few hours or days your daddy and I will be holding you in our arms. I can't wait to meet you. I can't wait to see your precious face and your tiny little fingers. I can't wait until you fall asleep on my chest and I can kiss your little head whenever I want. I want you to know how incredibly loved you are already. There are so many people excited to see you come into this world, Benjamin.
I can't wait to watch you grow up. I think about all the funny things you will do, all the trouble and dirt you will get into. I think about the adventurous streak you will get from your daddy and the outgoingness you will get from me. I wonder what your passions and talents will be. I wonder what characteristics you will get from us. All of these things and more, Ben, are what I look forward to the most.
I want you to know that when I think about your future though, the thing I hope for the most is that you follow your daddy's lead and become the kind of man that he is. I know you will be your own unique person, and you will have so many strengths and talents, but if you possess the kind of character and integrity I see in your daddy, you can never go wrong in life. His courage and wisdom are far beyond his years. He knows how to truly love and his heart is pure and genuine. He is willing to help anyone, anytime and is thoughtful and caring. He is strong and he supports and sacrifices for our family. He is so excited to be your daddy, Ben, and it makes me feel so secure knowing that you and I are his number one priority. No one is perfect, and you will learn this in your life. But when a person possesses a truly genuine character, a real desire to live a life of love and kindness, the way your daddy does, perfection isn't needed. My hope for you son, is that you see this throughout your life and that you too, become this kind of man.
I hope you can look back on this letter one day (and all your other little adventures and milestones I plan to write about) and see how much love, joy and happiness you bring to our lives. We love you son, and can't wait to meet you!
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