Just a quick note I wanted to share from my quiet time this morning. In addition to God really speaking to my heart today, I was so blessed to share this moment with my sweet girl. I sat on the couch and read my Bible out loud to her. It didn't matter that she didn't understand what I was reading. All that mattered to her was that she could hear my voice, see my face, and know that I loved her enough to want to share my time with her.
In reading through the book of Acts over the past month, one verse really spoke to me this morning.
In Acts 16:26 it states, "Suddenly a great earthquake occurred, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken. Immediately all the doors flew open and the bonds of all prisoners came loose."
While this verse is part of a greater story, I couldn't help but pick up on the beautiful symbolism of these words.
Sometimes something so earth shattering happens in our lives that we are shaken to the core and the foundation we have built our life upon is uprooted. God knows our heart and understands the things that hold us captive. Fear, addiction, bitterness, unforgiveness; all of these chains can make us a prisoner in our own lives. Although we may not understand it at the time, God may use a tragic event or an unexpected life circumstance to open the door of our heart and set us free from bondage. Once we let go of these things, we are then able to truly experience the joy and love that God so desperately wants us to know.
In reading through the book of Acts over the past month, one verse really spoke to me this morning.
In Acts 16:26 it states, "Suddenly a great earthquake occurred, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken. Immediately all the doors flew open and the bonds of all prisoners came loose."
While this verse is part of a greater story, I couldn't help but pick up on the beautiful symbolism of these words.
Sometimes something so earth shattering happens in our lives that we are shaken to the core and the foundation we have built our life upon is uprooted. God knows our heart and understands the things that hold us captive. Fear, addiction, bitterness, unforgiveness; all of these chains can make us a prisoner in our own lives. Although we may not understand it at the time, God may use a tragic event or an unexpected life circumstance to open the door of our heart and set us free from bondage. Once we let go of these things, we are then able to truly experience the joy and love that God so desperately wants us to know.
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