Relish the Mess

I savored every moment of being a mommy tonight.

While snuggling my sobbing toddler after a mid-afternoon melt down, I was so deeply moved by subtle reminder that its the simple things he needs from me the most. He needed quiet, one-on-one time with his mommy and he needed to feel safe and secure. I am so incredibly blessed that we were able to share that moment of understanding and that he was able to feel comforted by my love.

My kids had fun tonight. We played. We laughed. We made a mess. There were moments of fussiness from a teething 7-month-old and a fall from the shelf that I wish the 2-year-old hadn't climbed, but we made it through. The hugs and kisses I got before bed more than made up for any bumps along our road this evening.

I've sat on my couch for the last couple of hours staring at the crazy mess of a floor in front of me. Anyone who knows me knows that I thrive in a clean and organized environment. The state of my house right now is anything but that. Every time I went to clean up tonight though I found myself just smiling at the beauty in the mess. That mess was made by two kids who thoroughly enjoyed every toy on that floor and each piece tells a little story of our evening.

Our night was not perfect, but there were some beautifully priceless moments in the midst of our imperfection. Pinterest is always full of "101 organization ideas" or "playroom organization" type of photos. Tonight however, I'm sharing this picture of my untouched living room.

Occasionally, just relish the mess.


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