I'll Carry You

I heard a song this morning that touched my heart so deeply. The lyrics to this song have been on my mind all day and I knew that I had to share it. There are so many people in my life that are hurting and broken, crying out for hope and for someone to simply walk along beside them on this road of life. Loneliness is such a dark and desperate place to be and I can tell you that I have been there. I have seen days, nights, weeks and months that seemed so unbearable that it was all I could do to make it through another moment. Our world is broken. Our hearts are weary. I look around me and see so much pain and suffering. But I have to tell you, there is hope. There is light. And you are not alone.

My children will grow up never knowing two of their grandparents. This isn't because of cancer, or heart disease, or a car accident. This is because of despair. This is because of lost hope. This is because of brokenness. This is because of two minds so tormented by the pain of life that they simply saw no other way out. My father ended his own life at the age of 29 with a gun shot wound to the head. My husbands mother ended her life at 42 with a drug overdose. Two young hearts with so much to live for, ended far too early because they could no longer face the sadness and despair in their own minds.

The song I heard today starts out,

"I promise you, I'm always there. When your heart is filled with sorrow, and despair.
I'll carry you, when you need a friend
You'll find my footprints in the sand."

I heard this song as a promise to us from God. For me, it's His promise to never leave us or forsake us. And I can testify to that. In my darkest times, when my world was filled with sorrow and despair, I know he was right there beside me, holding me up. I may not have felt it at the time, but He placed people in my life to remind me that He was there. That He wasn't going anywhere, even if I did.

The song continues,

"So many times have I been so afraid
and just when I thought I'd lost my way
you gave me strength to carry on."

The more these words laid on my heart today though, the more I thought of them as not only a promise from God, but a challenge to us. Think of the friends we have in our lives. Think of how they have been there to carry us when our hearts were filled with sorrow and despair. I often wonder if my father had anyone in his life that he knew would carry him. I wonder if my husbands mother felt she had anyone to give her the strength to carry on when she had lost her way. Because yes, God is always there with us, He is always walking beside us, but we desperately need each other as well. We are made to co-exist with one another and when our strength isn't enough, we need the hope and love that someone else may have.

"When I'm weary, I know you'll be there
I can feel you when you say...

I promise you, I'm always there. When your heart is filled with sorrow, and despair.
I'll carry you, when you need a friend
You'll find my footprints in the sand."

Can my friends say that about me? Can my friends honestly feel it inside of them that I will be there to help carry them? I don't want to just give lip service. We all need more than that. We deserve more than that. It may not be a huge gesture, or public act of kindness, but simply being there to hold someone when they are weary could ultimately save their life. I have found hope and peace and joy in my life through Christ and through His grace and I pray that I can be the kind of friend that doesn't hold that in. I pray that others can see His light in me and be inspired. If you are blessed enough to have hope and love in this darkened world, share it! Carry someone who isn't quite making it on their own. Allow God to use your story to speak to others.

In loving memory of

Michael O'Farrell

Bobbie Sattely


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