"Failure to Thrive"
Today was one of the most discouraging, frustrating and heart-breaking days I have had in a long time. Life has certainly had it's ups and downs the past few months and until this past week, I had finally felt things start to become somewhat balanced.
As most of you know, our last appointment with our pediatrician was quite discouraging. Not more than 30 minutes after we left the appointment, they called us back in to re-take some of Benjamin's measurements. They were concerned that he was below the 5th percentile for his weight. A few weeks before, we had made the decision to stop giving him cows milk and all other dairy because it was causing severe constipation (so severe that he would scream and cry trying to get a bowel movement out and when he finally did get it out it would be bloody and so would his bottom). We were told in order to get his weight back "on the charts" we had to start giving him milk, regardless of the constipation issue.
After that appointment I did a lot of research and was really discouraged at what I found regarding cow's milk and the effect it has on human babies. We tried for a few days mixing cows milk with his Almond milk, but again, we were getting the same constipation issues. Between the research I had done, and wittnessing the effects that dairy had on our son, Rob and I decided to take him off of dairy and try other approaches of getting him the fat that he needed.
Rob and I have worked very hard to ensure that Benjamin eats well and is not given "crap" food. We decided at the beginning of the year to give up all fast food and we have done that. Rob and I have gone 5 months without eating fast food and Benjamin has never had it. I shop the organic section of the grocery for Ben, I read labels and I spend a lot of time researching food companies and what they put into their foods before I give it to my child. He eats a TON of veggies and fruit and if given the choice of various foods on his plate, he always goes for the veggies. In general he is just a very healthy child when it comes to eating.
Today was our two-week check-up with our pediatrician. She said she had wanted to see him gain at least 2 lbs. Well, that didn't exactly happen. He actually lost about 6oz. My heart dropped when I saw that, not only because of how hard we had worked to get him the right fats, but because I knew the lecture that would follow. And it did. I was told that giving him milk was "not an option" and that "if I want my child to gain weight and be healthy, the only option is to start giving him milk". Again, I explained the issue I have with giving him milk and told our doctor that I can not justify giving him dairy when it clearly has a horrible effect on his body. Certainly there has to be some other way of getting him the fat he needs?? The response I got simply nauseated me. I think the only thing that kept me from bursting into tears was the intense anger I felt.
"Well, then I'm going to have to simply put on his chart, "Failure to thrive" and refer you to a specialist at Children's Hospital," she said.
Failure to thrive?!? Are you kidding me?? I am a nurse, I know what "failure to thrive" means and I know what type of patients that label is given to. I was blindsided by her comment and infuriated that she would label my son like that. I felt personally attacked and I felt like I was not doing my job as a mother to keep him well and healthy.
I got in my car and just started driving. I could barely see through all of my tears. I felt like I couldn't breathe. I felt angry, frustrated, guilty, and simply sick to my stomach. What were we doing wrong?! I immediately started beating myself up for not just giving him milk, but then I thought, she isn't there with us to see how painful it is for him, she doesn't hear his cries or have to rub his rock hard belly to try to get his bowels to move. Who is she to tell us that "it's not an option". We know what is best for our son.
Still, the sting of the word "failure" resonated in my mind all the way to Columbus. It felt like a personal attack. As I was driving I couldn't help but question every decision I have made regarding his health. Maybe it was the word failure that was brining up so many insecurities in me. Maybe it's a deep down fear I have of something happening to him or his health being compromised in any way. Regardless, I know what happened today brought up something in me that has more to do with than my sons health. I know I am doing what is right for my baby. I know that he is happy and healthy and I know that he has two very small parents, and that he will probably never be "normal" on the charts. But still... that word. I hate that she gave him that label and I hate the way it made me feel as a parent and as a person.
I'm so sorry and I agree with you. You are his mother and know what is best. You know in your gut....that pit of your stomach that is the soul tie from carrying Ben for 9 months. Nobody can tell me what to do....I do what I think is best and I applaud you for not conforming. Dairy is really tough on the body and actually creates a lot of mucus. Most of the vitamins and minerals are killed when it is pasturized and homogenized. I go to a natural doctor b/c I was discouraged with the first doctor I chose. She said to put a little probiotic kefir in with the milk for us it is goats milk because it is easier to digest. Ben could be like Case and need the help of the probiotics to aid in digestion. I know Goats milk is still dairy but whole foods has one that is flash homogenized and non pasteurized...expensive but worth it. Keep trusting your gut and loving your precious child like you do. What happened today should have never happened. I'm sorry Anya. Love that there is still people like you who don't take a doctors word for bible. Were all human and capable of mistakes.
ReplyDeleteOkay,I'm going out on a limb here, but I think that Dr. is out of place 110%. Ben looks and seem's totally healthy to me. That is the opinion of one Dr. That doesn't make it right all the time. You as a parent know's what is best for your child and you have done a wonderful job raising him up. Don't second guess yourself. Don't take this person's opinion to heart. That is just so off base it upsets me. Yes, Dr.'s know how to treat patients, but that doesn't always mean that they are right. It may go off topic, but just the same as my feeling's towards all the shots they give children now....you have the right as his parents to do what is best for him, to go with your gut. That is God given. Don't forget it.
ReplyDeleteYour doctor is a HUGE idiot. I would use stronger language but I still don't think I could express how wrong your doctor is. Ben is healthy and he is thriving just perfectly. He is doing what he is supposed to be doing, eating VERY well (I've seen it) and is growing how much his little body is supposed to. Doctors are called "practicing" for a reason and this doctor is still obviously practicing. They need to practice their people skills and expectations next. You and Rob are AMAZING parents! I would trust my kids to you two any time and never worry for a second. Ben couldn't have been blessed with two better parents than you guys and don't let some incredibly stupid doctor say otherwise. Do what you feel is right and stand up for what your doing. Just because the doctor says differently, doesn't mean that they know best. Mommy's intuition speaks volumes and you are doing a great job. Don't forget it!
ReplyDeleteSo when I listened to doctors about Ren, it almost cost us her. She was born in Germany and they are all about breast feeding even more than here. I knew there had been complications in my family and not many of us have been able to. Then nurses came every couple hours to help and make sure everything was fine. They never checked to see her weight before and after or anything. At her 2 day check up from the doc there I asked if I could give her a bottle because I didnt think she was getting enough. He told me that animals in the wild dont have formula and she was fine. Two day later she was admitted into the nicu. When the doctors asked me about feeding times I told them my concerns. They had me feed her and weighed her then had me pump and realized she hadnt eaten since she was born - exactly what I was worried about! Point? LISTEN TO YOUR HEART. You know that little boy better than any doctor will! Doctors know books, methods, and the norm. They dont know you or Ben. Also in Germany they didnt care about the growth cart. They put her on it but never would even tell me where she was, and would tell me it wasnt a good measure of health. They never had any concerns for her. AT her 1 yr appt she had a new doctor and he said "well she has finally made it to the 20th percentile." I was shocked but never thought she was too small. She is a healthy 2 yr old who eats a lot like Ben (from what it sounds like), runs mile races, and knows all her letters and can count to 25; perfectly healthy. Dont be bullied into doing things you know arent right by someone who sees Ben for 15 min every few weeks/months. You are a great Mommy or this wouldnt hurt so bad. Keep being that Mommy!
ReplyDeleteFTT? Really, doc? From the looks of his pics, Ben is thriving. Healthy, chubby cheeks; bright, dancing eyes; sweet, happy smile. Hope you can find a better pedi! So sorry this happened. You are not a failure!