The last 48 hours have been a doozy. Homegirl spiked a fever yesterday morning and nothing we gave her could bring it down. We were 24 hours away from a MUCH anticipated homeschool trip to the farm and this unexpected sickness was definitely throwing a monkey wrench in our plans. She was pretty lethargic the entire day and by 11:30pm when I went in to check on her, she was still at a temp of 102.4. To be fair to all the other kids in our Wild+Free group, we made the decision to stay home. I think I was more crushed than the kids were. I LOVE our time with our homeschool group. It's such a rich and rewarding experience to around so many like-minded families. I was super bummed. PLUS, daddy had already taken the day off to go on the trip with us. Seriously bummed.
So, this morning we woke up and of course Miss M was feeling much better. She was sleepy but there was no fever. The kids wanted to get out of the house and we didn't want to waste a daddy day off. So, after a slow start to our morning, we hopped on the "city bus" (aka.... COTA) and headed to the North Market for lunch.
We LOVE going to the North Market. Ben had been asking for macaroons and my favorite Mexican restaurant is housed there. It can be a bit overstimulating at times for kids with sensory issues, but for the most part, the kids have gotten use to it. It's a lot less overwhelming once you get through the market, have your food, and head upstairs to chill and eat. Plus, the view from upstairs is just so fun.
Pistacia Vera |
Dos Hermanos |
The North Market |
I would be completely lying if I said that our trip was all sunshine and rainbows. We had a great time and good food, but we were definitely battling one kid who was getting over being sick and one (who I assume) is on the verge of getting sick. By the end of our trip they were exhausted and grumpy. But... we got out of the house and turned a super disappointing missed trip to the farm into a good family day. I super love these people.
Market Blooms |
Seriously. Lunch? S'mores waffle. |
That vest. So adorbs. |
Love of my life |
Look closely :) |
My people |
Done |
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