Oh baby!

So. I'm pregnant! CRAZY concept if you ask me. I always wondered how strange it must feel to have something growing inside you. It's like a little seed and we are dirt! And fertilization and water and food... we women are like little capsules of miracle grow! It fascinates me!

Despite some scepticism I received when describing my symptoms, (and they were EARLY symptoms!) I KNEW I was pregnant. I know my body very well and knew something just wasn't right. Over the course of a few days my mood changed (and not for the better), my face started breaking out, my sense of smell was off the chart, I was urinating WAY more than before. More than anything I kept getting spells of dizziness! It was like PMS only multiplied in intensity by 100 and 2 weeks early! Even Rob said I shouldn't be this moody for another couple of weeks! Haha. Bless his heart. Either way something was going on with my body and I knew it.

The worst part was I could not take a test since it was too early! I had to wait. And those of you who know me well know that I do not like to wait. Rob and I had all of our Christmas presents opened by December 18th for goodness sake! But none the less I had to wait. Finally, about a week and a half later, with all the symptoms ever-so-present, I asked my doctor for a blood test and BAM.... my intuition confirmed. Pregnant!

As of tomorrow I will be 5 weeks along. Even at my first appointment my doctor said "you must be very in-tune with your body to have already felt you were pregnant". My symptoms have changed over the last week or so. The dizziness is not nearly as bad as it was but the sensitive stomach has taken it's place. Wouldn't mind having the dizziness back actually.

I haven't had any of those outrageous food cravings, but I have noticed quite a few changes with my eating habits. The one thing I find CRAZY is that I no longer desire nor even care for coffee. This was actually really hard for me! Coffee was my comfort. It was my ritual in the morning, my quiet time to just sit and enjoy the morning. Then one day I just didn't like it. Didn't care if I had it or not. I honestly hope that taste comes back after the baby is here! The other thing I can not tolerate fast food. I cant stand greasy food and I crave fresh foods. Anything fresh! Salad, fruit, veggies and EGGS! I have a new love for scrambled eggs, hard boiled eggs, egg salad, anything egg! Seems so strange to me.

Last on my list, and probably my biggest complaint, is the crazy mood swings. I honestly think men should be considered "saints" after going through a pregnancy with their lady. I have been so cranky, crabby, emotional, and crying one day; then happy, energetic, excited and totally relaxed and cool the next day! It's like Jekyll and Hyde! My poor husband never knows what to expect but he has been more than amazing! I'm still adjusting to all the changed going on internally and externally and he just goes with the flow. I have so much respect and admiration for him. He has been supportive and has given me time when I need it. He is truly an example of what a real man should be like. I am SO blessed to have him!

OK, that's all for now... I have also reached the exhaustion part of pregnancy and I am whipped. Stay tuned for more if you like... :o) Love you all...



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