Week two of GriefShare:

What are some healthy things you can do to help relieve your pain?

This one is tough. Going to class is the first thing I can do. It helps to be with other poeple and talk. Although, I haven't talked a lot yet. It's hard for me to open up. I sit. I listen. I cry. I process things internally. Eventually I will open up, but right now it's hard.

On the other hand I can write. Thats one thing I do and I do well. It's a very healthy habit that I stopped doing for a while and now I feel like I'm ready to begin again.

I also want to start some more regular fitness activity. This will get me active and will help with the energy level, which in turn helps the mood.

Thats all I got.


  1. Anya ~ I am so glad you know that you are in a suppot group and facing your situation head on. Hold strong and know that God has His hands around you, even when you don't feel them! I am here for you if you need anything, I love you!


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