For my sweet, sweet Molly

My dearest Molly Kate,
Its so hard to believe it has been nearly three weeks since you entered this world. I feel like I have known you forever. Im writing you this letter so that you know how you came into this world, how special and loved you are, and how you have brought out in me something I never knew existed. I adore you my sweet girl, and someday I want you to look back and read this letter and know in your heart that you are so deeply cared for and that you will always, always have someone to turn to who loves you beyond what words can say.

I want to start by telling you about your birth day. It felt like forever waiting for you to arrive. I was so excited to meet you and I wanted nothing more than the labor to start and for my sweet girl to arrive.  I was in nursing school studying for my RN when I was pregnant with you. At the end of the week I had a test that I needed to take. Friday was the deadline for me to complete the test, so I scheduled it for as early as I could that Friday morning, having a feeling I would be meeting you soon after. I was right.

Around 7:45 am on Friday, April 12, contractions with you started. At first they were about 8 minutes apart and fairly strong. This had happened several times before, contractions starting and stopping, so I figured I would drink some water on my way to the test and the contractions would cease. Your daddy drove me to my test and about half way there I knew I was in labor. I really needed to get this test done and as nervous as I was, I decided to take the test before things intensified. While I was in the testing center I was writing down my contractions as a worked though each question. Contractions were now six minutes apart and the pain was getting a bit more intense. I finished my test, called your daddy to come pick me up and off to the see the mid-wife we went.

Once we were at the office and had been checked in, the mid-wife came in to see how far I had dilated. My heart sank as she said we were only 3cm and in order for her to send us to the hospital we had to be 4cm. She advised us to go walk around, have some lunch or coffee and return in a few hours to see how far I had progressed. Reluctantly, we left and prayed that the walking we were about to do would get the ball rolling and move us in the right direction. Your daddy and I enjoyed a nice lunch and then headed to the mall to walk. Molly Kate, that was the most painful trip to the mall I have ever experienced. Contractions were so regular and had become so intense that at times we had to just stop and breathe through it to keep going. We spent about an hour at the mall before I could not take any more walking and decided to go for coffee. After our trip to the coffee shop we nervously headed back to the mid-wife and prayed we had progressed enough to be sent to the hospital.

Around 4:30pm, 8 1/2 hours after labor had started, we finally got the news we wanted to hear! It was time to head to the hospital and meet our sweet girl. I was 4 cm dilated.

Your daddy and I walked the halls of the hospital, rolled on an exercise ball and took a hot shower to get through the pain of the ever intensifying contractions. I felt surprisingly calm and in control. I was focused and your dad was amazing in talking and holding me though every moment. Finally around 9:30pm I got an epidural and a much needed nap. The midwife came in around 11pm and broke my water. She then told us to get some sleep, they would be coming back around 2:30am to check us again. I was so upset when I heard that! I didn't want to sleep or wait or anything else, I wanted to meet my girl! She said to call the nurse if anything changed and if not, she would see us in a few hours.

It only took an hour for things to change and boy did they change fast! Around 12am I started to feel a lot of pressure and I knew it was time. We called the nurse in to check us and I was 7-8cm dilated. You were on your way! The pressure intensified quickly and within an hour it was time to start pushing. By this point I was shaking uncontrollably (probably from a mixture of pain, nerves, epidural side effect and the fact that it was FREEZING in our room!) and I was incredibly emotional. I cried and cried but your daddy kept me focused and told me when to breathe and when to relax. I only pushed for 12 minutes and at 1:12am on Saturday, April 13, you entered this world. I will never, ever forget the first time I saw you, sweet girl. You had my heart the moment I laid eyes on you. Our sweet Molly Kate was finally here!

We chose Molly because we both thought it was sweet and simple. Its a cute name that fit your personality so well. But to me, my baby girl,  it's your middle name is such a huge part of who you are, because it is a huge part of who I am. Kate being short for Kathryn, you are named after your great-grandma, Kathryn Bales. Your great-grandma is one of the most influential people I have ever met in my life. I remember from a very young age being influenced by her grace and her kindness to others. I remember taking a ride with her in the car once, just her and I, and her motioning another driver to go ahead of her. Even at 4 years old this simple gesture made a huge impression on me and I specifically remember thinking, "Grandma is so nice." That innocent thought stayed with me my entire childhood as I saw in her a kindness and gentleness that I always tried to mimic. Growing up I knew I wanted to be like her. I wanted to show love to others and help those hurting. I wanted to be a source of light and positivity, just like I always saw in her. She was and is a true example of a Godly woman and Molly Kate, I pray that I teach you to have those same qualities. You should be honored and proud to be named after such a beautiful woman, inside and out.

I will end this letter by sharing how you have touched my life in the short time you have been with us. As I said before, Molly, you have had my heart from the moment I saw your face. I have a connection with you that I cant quite put into words. I LOVE that you are comforted by my touch. I LOVE that your favorite place to sleep is snuggled up against my chest with your little head tucked under my chin. I LOVE that in the middle of the night if you are restless or fussy, I can simply reach over, put my hand on your back and you instantly calm down. The connection that we have already is so beautiful, Molly. I want you to know that no matter where life takes you, what you go through, the mistakes you make, the path you follow, I will always, always be here for you. I pray for you every single day and pray for the woman you will become. I pray for your husband and for your children. But more than anything, my sweet girl, I pray that God will give me the wisdom, grace and guidance to raise you to be the best that you can be. I pray that you can watch me and learn from me. And I pray that above anything else in this world, you learn love. Nothing is more important that living your life in love.

Thank you for letting me be your mommy. You may have only been in my arms for a few short weeks, but you have been apart of me forever.

I love you,


  1. There is no doubt that I love my boys to pieces, but the bond between a mother and daughter is incredible. SO happy for you guys!

  2. The world is a more beautiful place because of you


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